

So here's what happened to me in the last twelve hours and the lessons I've learned....

It all started because my studio professor was not able to attend class yesterday from 2-6. I decide it'd be best if I headed back home to pick up a notebook which I forgot and needed in order to study for my Midterm Exam - scheduled for today. The plan was to return and work in the Library from 6-10, get a few things done for studio and then start studying for the exam all night.

Well on the way back, for some reason, I thought it'd be a good idea to follow a State Trooper on I90 all the way to school.  About midway to my destination, the trooper decides to turn into the right lane, slow down a bit...wait about a minute or two and then get behind me to signal the cherries and berries. If you ask me, I'd say I was set up.

Well anyways, I ended up getting a speeding ticket for going 75 in a 55 mph zone (there's nothing express about a 55 mph), a ticket for not knowing where my insurance card was at the time and I must also show up to court. All this because I wanted to study.  Turns out class was cancelled today. No Midterm   


1) I've wasted a lot of money on absent professors
2) It's never a good idea to follow a state trooper. 
3) and when you pass her - don't turn and smile.  
5) When asked why the need for speed? 
Do not respond with: "I didn't think I'd get in trouble if I went your speed."
4) It's probably best if I slow down a bit to smell the exhaust fumes.
6) Last but not least, the world will screw you (or just me) over if you attempt to learn.


AP said...

REAL GULLY. Painful lessons learned. I learned not to park under the L even if you are running in and out of a building quick. They will tow your ride REAL QUICK. I feel your pain sir.

Abraham Mora said...

Oof! Tough break Connie. Reminds me of the time I helped Wendy pick up and move her new couch in. I got a ticket that night and then I had to go to driving school. Could have been avoided by not coming out and helping. Of course, it didn't help that Ryan was sitting in the truck bed wearing a Cardinals hat in Uptown.

Ryan Parrish said...

So true. No one told Abe to make an illegal right hand turn in front of a cop. At least you didn't have to ride in the back of the cop car, with cub fan cops, while telling them they should really make the back seats more comfy for their passengers. Lets just say they were not impressed!

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