
I want my day to be made of glass

Watch "A Day Made of Glass" and take a look at Corning's vision for the future with specialty glass at the heart of it.

Do you think this sort of technology is possible within the next 15-20 years or is just wishful thinking?  Would this technology make your life easier? Or do you prefer a life that's not so heavily focused on technology.  It's not strange to see our society consumed by the latest and greatest gadget. Case-in-point

Even though I may never see this come to fruition in my lifetime; I'm just glad someone is thinking about the possibilities.  The future is ours to design


Stephen Coorlas said...

Haha, Nice case-in-point..

Actually, what I think this concept attempts to do is shift our attention from technology(physical gadgets) to more of a lifestyle adaptation.

NOT everybody will have the funds for this type of lifestyle, the same way NOT everybody can afford an iPad(1 or 2). But, as technology progresses, like the cell phone has, and it becomes more of a way of life, these technologies will become more accessible to the general public.

It's really up to the mass interest..

Unknown said...

I agree with you completely; this concept is more about lifestyle adaptation.

I brought up the examples of ipad, iphones etc.. because this idea, if you really think about it, is exactly that. Every surface is essentially an ipad. Since touch-screen was introduced, the world has gone gaga over it. It definitely changed the game. The question becomes, is it a need or a want. If we don't be careful, will our world become that of Wall-e? A world where everything is at our fingertips.

Cell phones have evolved into what one can say is now a mini-computer. I am fearful that the masses will abuse these tools instead of allowing them to assist their daily needs. True, I may have a 'p.o.s' phone but that allows me to search and discover new routes on my own instead of quickly GPS'n or it also allows me the freedom to be less 'accessible' with the fact that I will not be checking emails, social sites etc. so frequently.

Should life not be about that; mystery and curiosity? Or do we allow the idea of 'instant access' to form our new lifestyle? That may not be a bad thing at all if used appropriately as shown in the video clip. I may be a bit dramatic about this, but in my opinion, I believe it's easier to get technology to evolve rather than humans.

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