
Blog it Architects!

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Turns out blogging matters for Architects. Frank Lloyd Wright had one and so did Le Corbusier, however it's tough creating a successful blog. For some great rules, check out this article by Derek, Rules for an Architect's Blog, which came from Life of An Architect.

Here are three rules from the article which I thought were pretty important:
6. Share
Share as much as you can. Don’t worry about sharing information with competitors. As my business partner, Christian told me recently, if our competitors start copying us, then it just means we need to step up our game.

7. Have an Opinion
Not everyone will agree with you. That’s fine. If we aren’t critical of our profession then it will never improve. However, complaining is easy. Provide as many solutions as criticisms.

8. Be Helpful
When you learn something, share it. Many people have helped us. We’re just passing it along.
In the article it says that Louis Kahn never started a blog because he thought the internet exposure would lead to his multiple families finding out about each other.  Wow.

People need Architects - and not just to design

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Mike from The SomeChum Drum explains why Architects are important not just for their designs but also for their presence. Very amusing article that you need to check out!

What I Miss Most About Working With Architects

zaha hadid: galaxy SOHO

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zaha hadid: galaxy SOHO now under construction


Outro on GPA

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the end! goodbye GPA....


Zombie Proof House

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The owners wanted their homes to be safe and secure, so that's exactly what KWK Promes, Architects from Poland (Respect), provided when they designed "The Safe House".  Insane. Safe. Insanely Safe!

My Playground!!

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I need to lose the school weight I put on during the semester...this is how I'll do it!
I'll parkour the weight off!