
Holzer Truisms

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Jenny Holzer is an American Conceptual Artist. I happened to come across her documentary entitled, About Jenny Holzer. Protect Me From What I Want and found it to be quite inspiring.  Who knew that such few words can have such an immense impact. These short phrases or one liners she would go on to call, Truisms. Below are some of her most famous lines.

‘men are not monogamous by nature’,

‘money creates taste’,

‘a lot of professionals are crackpots’,

‘enjoy yourself because you can't change anything anyway’,

‘freedom is a luxury not a necessity’,

‘don't place too much trust in experts’.

Although she initially wanted to become an abstract painter, the medium she would become famous for is writing- whether it be on walls, t-shirts or LEDS. Some call her a futuristic Artist because of her use of LEDS, and to a certain extent I would agree. Her work relates more than ever now given how our world currently revolves around such technologies as touch screens and smart phones. But what I like most about Jenny Holzer is that she lets her art do the talking.

Is this something you would call art? Does it have an impact on you or do you simply think this is nothing more than writing on a wall.


Gifts for Architects

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Happy Holidays to all!!!

It's Christmas time! A time to spend with loved ones discussing the wonders life has to offer. It's also a great time to look back at the year and note areas in your life that have improved or still need improvement. One should also reminisce and be thankful for all no matter what you may or may not believe in.

And yes, it's also a time for giving. For those who love gift giving, this time can become quite stressful especially when it's time to find a gift for an architect friend or lover. Architects are complicated individuals who are very particular when it comes to their possessions. Over at Matters of Taste  the author, who is a former architect himself, provides a very useful list of 10 things to five, or not give, an Architect.  You should all make your way over to the blog. A very comical response is given to each suggestion.  

The list goes as follows:

Things for recording inspiration  
Building fragments 
Books on Architecture you've never heard of
Interesting looking cookware

Books on Architecture you've heard of 
Coffee- or tea making devices 
Sports-related gifts

Do you guys agree with this list? Are there other things you can think of that an Architect might enjoy?

Bob Borson from Life of An Architect also came up with a pretty interesting list for What to get an Architect for Christmas. Check it out for your amusment. 


Classified : That ain't classy

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Bringing you the very talented, yet grotesquely underrated, Canadian rapper and producer, Classified (Luke Boyd) with 'That ain't Classy'.  This track here is a simple remainder for us all that we should always remain truthful to ourselves; that we should always stand behind what we belief in;  and most importantly, that we should never change who we are as individuals for the sake of someone else's joy.
Let's stay classy.

These lyrics sum it up nicely.
I'm adamant I won't become extravagant cause you're my managementAnd the guys i travel with they havin' itI'm just an average man who happen to have a plan


1. unshakable in purpose, determination, or opinion; unyielding


Flying Squirrel vs Human Dolphin

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I love adventure! I love the outdoors! I can be extreme at times, yet I wonder why in the world I decided on becoming an Architect where almost every waking second is spent behind a computer screen. Yes, it's a noble profession, one that is admired by many, but it lacks the adrenaline inducing excitement that these two gentlemen below get to experience on a regular basis. 

In the first video, you the worlds craziest man! He certainly is crazy. Who in their right mind flies through trees at such speeds?? Granted he does have a pretty sweet carbon fiber helmet but I'm sure it would do absolutely nothing if he were to hit a tree going +100mph.  I am envious just watching it though. One day I would love to do something like that... (check out how close he gets at 1:46)

The guy in the second video is not as crazy but definitely still has an amazing job.  For only about 6k you can fly through the water like a dolphin! I'm sure that's every water lovers dream. It certainly is a very interesting contraption but is it me or does it not smoke a lot? Not sure how healthy that is for the wearer of the apparatus or for the marine life in general. 

Which one would you guys/gals rather be or try - A Flying squirrel or a Human Dolphin that zips through the water?