
Flying Squirrel vs Human Dolphin

I love adventure! I love the outdoors! I can be extreme at times, yet I wonder why in the world I decided on becoming an Architect where almost every waking second is spent behind a computer screen. Yes, it's a noble profession, one that is admired by many, but it lacks the adrenaline inducing excitement that these two gentlemen below get to experience on a regular basis. 

In the first video, you the worlds craziest man! He certainly is crazy. Who in their right mind flies through trees at such speeds?? Granted he does have a pretty sweet carbon fiber helmet but I'm sure it would do absolutely nothing if he were to hit a tree going +100mph.  I am envious just watching it though. One day I would love to do something like that... (check out how close he gets at 1:46)

The guy in the second video is not as crazy but definitely still has an amazing job.  For only about 6k you can fly through the water like a dolphin! I'm sure that's every water lovers dream. It certainly is a very interesting contraption but is it me or does it not smoke a lot? Not sure how healthy that is for the wearer of the apparatus or for the marine life in general. 

Which one would you guys/gals rather be or try - A Flying squirrel or a Human Dolphin that zips through the water?

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