
The All-Nighter

For all you architects (or architects at heart) I think you will enjoy this site.
The All Nighter.  Sadly, many of us can relate to it.

“That’s interesting”

“Hmm interesting”
I can’t comprehend what you are saying so I am buying time


“What’s that”
Thats gotta go

“Holy Shit”
This is visually pleasing but its shit

“Check these buildings out”
Good ideas. Look these things up to expand

“You should read these books”
Your ideas suck. Read these books.

“That’s very impressive”
I am going to steal this

“Now you know”
I told you so

I no longer think you’re braindead

“Talk to so and so for help”
I am tired of dealing with you. Go talk to my brown noser.

“I want five study models”
I know you only have time to produce 3 good ones and 2 shitty ones but do them
anyway for my amusement

“We communicate through our drawings. That is why I am so hard on you.”
Stop sucking at drawing

“Do you have more to show me?”
I know you don’t but I wanna see you squirm

“You should oranize your desk”
Throw out your old models. They’re painful to look at. 

“You’re not being aggresive”
You’re a wimp

“This project can be more dynamic”
You’re being a wimp and your work shows it

“Get some sleep”
You’re not being productive and starting to smell. This greatly offends me.

“Where did you go for undergraduate?”
I probably went somewhere better

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