
Bertrand Goldberg : Raymond Hilliard Homes

I passed these buildings tonight on the south side of Chicago thinking to myself, "how innovative"

Photograph by Stephen Coorlas
Goldberg's Architecture is amongst some of my favorite in the Chicago land area. His generous use of curves are but a mere effect to compliment the efficiently organized floor plans and building layouts. Much of his work seems to be inspired by nature, often resulting in buildings that seem to honor the Part as much as they do the Whole. It's encouraging to see designs that actually consider the Presentation of the individual within an entire "building".

Modern Reference:
Networking technologies and recent collective models/methods have successfully blurred many defining boundaries in our society; but no matter how sophisticated the hybridization or how complex the interconnectivity our system becomes we must remind ourselves of the simplicity of its components... 

Points(people) and Lines(relationships)

Stay tuned for more...



Unknown said...

Beautiful. Simple. Elegant. I get to pass these beautiful buildings everyday to school and they just seem to look better each day. Goldberg is one of my favorites as well. He made the curve make sense.

DPeternel said...

Goldberg seemed to be ahead of the curve (no pun intended) in many ways. His ability to efficiently organize people and plans along with his retro-futuristic aesthetic are still successful even in today's standards.

Abraham Mora said...

I also appreciate these buildings. I just think their simplicity and the way they shape space, not only human scale, but also the skyline, make them irreplaceable forms in the city of Chicago.

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