
Shift Step

This is an exercise in an experimental composition theory I've slowly been developing. In short, my interest here is in grouping short rhythms [phrases] and treating them as individual "Strokes" in order to create an even grander rhythm from those groupings.

It's perhaps better understood when referencing linguistics as in the use of letters to create words versus using words to create a sentence. The progression of my music can be better understood as a sentence (a grouping of words(words made from letters)), which I believe can be used to communicate a more rhythmic storyline.

I begin the piece by introducing each rhythm separately on their own layer. Once familiarized, I begin shifting the individual notes of each layer into groupings(words). This happens at the 1:06 mark in the video. Sometimes, the letters of a word fall across several different layers, creating a layer interdependency for the comprehension of the whole sentence. This grouping and interdependency can be observed on the sheet music throughout the video.

Traditional 4/4 timing
Layer 1:  This ismy theo ryof shif tste pcom posi tion

Proposed Gesture timing
Layer 1:  This  Is  My  Theory  Of  Shift  Step  Composition

Actual Layer Interdependency
Layer 1:   T                  y     Th     y                ift          p                si
Layer 2:     hi             M         eor               Sh        Ste               o   tion
Layer 3:        s     Is                          Of                           Comp


1 comment:

Unknown said...

We had a 75% review yesterday at studio and our professor said this to one of my classmates, "You should think about your project musically. The same way music is created through notes, you should take that approach and compose your building."

Needless to say, the student was confused. I think a guest visit from Mr.Coorlas was needed.

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