Haha, sorry Matthew ... stole your theme with my week intro jam by Morgan Page. Just heard this song on Pandora the other day and it really gets me into the mood to spend endless hours on my computer making architectural magic happen for my studio class.

Also ... new updates on my box project. It is due tomorrow and I have the second coat of Tung Oil on it and drying as we speak. Whoooeeeeee!
haha nice! i like the week intro. and that is quite a nice box you have!
Nicely crafted, Wendy Michelle! What use do you have in mind for it?
Well, the dark wooden trays to the left have little wall inserts that go in and out and create dividers for my lady jewels, i.e. rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces. Unfortunately there was a size limit, 250-275 in3, so I couldn't make it big enough to fit everything I have. I am quite pleased though with the outcome considering I have never built anything like this before :)
that is where she is going to keep her apparati. along with her lady jewels
indubitably ...
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