My first official post on the meatFAT blog. Excited I am. Currently I am reporting from Charleston, SC from Clemson University's Architecture Center here in the city. I like to bring my lunch to school and one of my favorite things to eat is soup. A lot of people like to get into these debates with me that soup is not food and cannot be my favorite thing to eat, but I think these people are extremely confused because soup is amazing and I cannot get enough of it. I have been dining on soup for my main daily meals for years and today I discovered the best canned soup I have ever had, Wolfgang Puck's Organic Roast Chicken with Wild Rice. I purchased two cans while shopping at the local Harris Teeter, and for those of you that are not familiar with the Low Country of South Carolina, Harris Teeter is the top choice grocery story. Tomorrow I am going to try the Organic Butternut Squash so I will be sure to keep you informed.

Other than that, my studio class is designing a vertical garden wall for Elliotborough Community Garden here in downtown Charleston. Community gardening is all the rage right now and we are fortunate enough to have a client that is more than pleased with the design the eight members of my studio class has been collaborating on. We begin building within the next week or so, and I will be sure to include more photographs of that process as well.
Also, I am building a box out of wood for my Introduction to Craft course. We primarily work in the woodshop and it is kind of like a pr

oduct/furniture design class where we do an individual project (box design)then a collaborative project at the end of the semester that is usually an improvement project for the school. Past projects include light tables, book shelves for the library, librarian's desk, a media podium, and various other installations for the school to display photos and awards. We will have our final review for our individual box projects next Tuesday and then begin working on the group project.
Well, I guess I am supposed to plug a sweet song or band that I like ... how about this one in honor of a recent show I went to here in Charleston. The band is called
Greensky Bluegrass. Not my usual type of music (techno), but it was pretty fun and I tried out some country style dancing ... maybe a jig or two as well. They have some songs and clips on their website so I hope you enjoy!
Is that what your vertical garden will actually look like? If it is, it turned out very nicely. I take it that the darker elements sticking out from the middle are the supports holding up the wall? And is the idea to have the vegetation take over the whole 'wall' eventually? It'd be cool if someone documented the blooming process like every other week or so and see what the plantings actually do. Good work!
P.S. Nice box.
Nice design for the garden! I like how it sweeps from horizontal to vertical. Good bluegrass listening as well!
Whoever changed the title of this post, and I have my suspicions as to who it was, is in serious trouble!
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