I have a confession to make - I am addicted to Crepes and I need help. But who could resist this deliciousness? What you are feasting your eyes are the Lyon (Prosciutto, fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, green peppers and oregano) and, my favorite, the Amsterdam crepe (Gouda and muenster cheese, sun dried tomatoes, roasted red peppers and oregano).

Where can you find this amazing meal for a very reasonable price you ask? Great question. You can enjoy this food at
Iguana Cafe, a European cafe, located at 517 N.Halsted St. Chicago. Just last year they were awarded by Celebration Media, U.S. as one of its 2010 Talk of the Town Award Recipients in the category of top Creperies and it's about time!
It looks like you might be on a date :)
haha of course he is on a date! that is conrads go to. good thing her phone had a camera on it so she could take this picture.
Did it ever occur to you guys that maybe, just maybe, both meals were mine and that the waitress took the photo....
No, because there is a beer and a glass of white wine sitting there. It's obvious the lady at the table was drinking white wine and snapping this photo, duh! I am like a sleuth, Nancy Drew style!
yea get real connie...
Update: I just had another crepe at Iguana with a buddy from class. Does that classify as a date?
Maybe. Did he know it was a date or just you? It's gotta be mutual if it's gonna be a date Connie.
I had always been intrigued by this restaurant until I heard that you were a frequent customer and all you seemed to get to eat was chicken...no surprise there. However, in light of your new culinary adventurousness I am again enticed to visit for a scrumptious looking crepe. Don't worry though I won't take your date spot...not really my style...I prefer Rosal's, but I am looking for something more casual...for lunches and coffee...so far it still remains Artopolis.
Whoa, hey big spender! I will have you know that I do not eat chicken at Iguana. I usually get the Amsterdam which is veggie and contains no meat whatsoever. I can't help it if I know what I like and stick to it. Besides, what's wrong with chicken? It's protein which is good. Also, since when has this become my 'date' spot? I simply enjoy the food so I come often.
I'm sorry perhaps it was only your reputation that preceded you and my own prejudice that made me think you ordered chicken there. I find nothing wrong with chicken...if anything it reminds me of some of the best meals I've had in my life...Harold's Chicken in Chicago, IL, Dani's buffalo chicken camp casserole in Devil's Lake, WI, chicken pontabla in Memphis, TN, etc. The almighty white meat!
I can appreciate that you know what you like.
I am a victim of a lunch date at Iguana Cafe with Conrad Jacob.
I had the Meat Loaf sandwich.
It was good.
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